A mother and son laugh as they play Wildlife Tic Tac Toe outside Hartlebury Castle

Get Back to Nature in the May half-term!

We want to inspire kids to spend more time outdoors with nature-themed activities at Hartlebury Castle, celebrating National Children’s Gardening Week. Find out all about wildlife with Really Rural, enjoy getting green-fingers or championing our beloved bees with fun crafts, and hunt around the Bishop’s Palace and County Museum on the family trail!

Find out all the details about our May half-term events…

Bees and Bugs Family Trail

Sat 24 May : 11.00 am - Sun 1 June : 4.00 pm

What’s in YOUR Garden?

Mon 26 May : 11.00 am - 5.00 pm

Make a Mini Bee Hotel

Tue 27 May : 11.00 am - Thu 29 May : 4.00 pm